A student recently asked me this question: How does exchanging bodywork with others help us to overcome our own fear?
When we are lost in our thoughts, we are afraid of others, ourselves, and sometimes, even of our own thoughts!
We are taught to take charge of our lives with our mind. But because our mind is conditioned to filter everything through its preconceived ideas, we constantly react in imbalanced ways to the events and conditions we encounter.
Self-Breema exercises support us to connect mind and body. With practice, everything in life can be an expression of this connection: washing dishes, folding clothes, or walking down the street. When mind and body are connected, we are no longer afraid. We respond more harmoniously to events, situations, and activities.
Breema bodywork exchanges offer us a fresh start and new possibilities for interacting harmoniously with others in daily life. When we trade bodywork with others, we can see when we use force, or react with judgment or fear. When we practice bringing the Nine Principles of Harmony into what we're doing, we learn how to support and be supported at the same time. A new world opens up as we learn how to interact with others comfortably, without force, in an atmosphere of Mutual Support.
The more practice we have connecting mind and body, the more comfortable we become with ourselves and in our interactions. This creates new possibilities for us. Rather than running away from fear and anxiety, they simply remind us that we are disconnected from ourselves. And because Breema has shown us, repeatedly, how to bring mind and body together, we know what to do!
Alexandra Johnson, MD practices integrative family medicine and Breema Bodywork. She finds this approach invaluable for supporting mental, physical and emotional health. She has clinic locations and teaches workshops in Santa Cruz and Oakland.
Upcoming Breema classes and workshops:
Santa Cruz: Wednesday, January 15th 6:30-8:30pm (free class with mini-sessions for International Breema Week).
Oakland: Saturday, January 18th 10am-12pm (free class with mini-sessions for International Breema Week).
The Antidote to Fear Workshop Series: workshops in Oakland, CA, and Santa Cruz, CA.